Work or Volunteer

Positions Available:

See farm website for industries positions. Apply below.

If you are interested in working or volunteering at CVA, please complete this form.  

The most important qualifications are that you have:

We want to train our students for God's service through study and work, reaching those around us with the Everlasting Gospel, including the 3-5 million tourists who visit Moab every year.

Keep an open mind to fill multiple hats!


Personal evaluation

This section is an exploration of the gifts and talents that you might bring to the ministry of Castle Valley Academy. The Bible teaches that each member of Christ’s ‘body’ on earth has been given spiritual gifts which are to be used in service to the church and the world (see 1 Peter 4:10, 11; also 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:3- 8). Whether or not a staff position becomes available to you, we hope that your consideration of these questions will stimulate a clearer perception of the value God has placed upon you and the type of ministry for which He has prepared you. We ask that you answer each of the following questions as candidly and personally as possible. This is an opportunity for you to share about yourself. Please do not be concerned about formality in your writing style, or about including all the minute details of your developed thoughts. Rather, just sincerely share your personal responses to the question in the way that is most natural for you.

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My signature below represents my sincere desire to be prayerfully considered for a staff ministry position at Castle Valley Academy, if the needs of the school match my commitment, abilities, and experience.